Wordless Wednesday: 9/11 Never Forget...


While we normally see photos of the Twin Towers on 9/11 there were also 2 other horrific moments that day in Washington, D.C. and Pennsylvania.  This day is personal to me because my father actually would have been at the Pentagon had they not changed his meeting to a breakfast off-site...I was a 17 year old girl frantically searching for her father...he lost a couple of co-workers and some were hurt...it's never a day far from my memories...9/11 Never Forget....

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  1. I can't even imagine what you and your family went through and still go through every year. My thoughts are with you today <3

    1. Thank you...we also have family and friends in NYC so it was a rough day all around but thankfully no one close to us was lost...definitely a reality check moment and every year and it make me thankful that someone had the bright idea to change the meeting to a breakfast off site so he wasn't there!

  2. I try and forget this day. I was there on site when the Twin Towers fell. Was actually taking my son to the DOH to fix an issue with his birth certificate. Saw when the 2nd plane flew into the tower and saw people actually jumping out the building. It was horrible. I didn't have any friends or family who died that day but my heart went out to those who did. It was a horrible day. Now I'm grateful for all my fellow soldiers who serve to help keep our country free.

    1. I can't imagine being there in that moment. My heart breaks for everyone who had to experience that in person. While the families went through the heart break of not knowing if their loved ones were okay the people who were actually on site and near by were more affected than any of us can ever imagine. I"m sorry you had to go through that I don't blame you at all for wanting to forget it but at least it's made us a stronger country

  3. Oh Penny, you had to be so frightened. I will never forget that day. Every minute of it etched in my brain. Thank you for posting this and I'm glad your father was safe.

    1. thank you, I don't think I've ever had the fear of losing a parent since that day and it's definitely an over powering feeling. All day they've been playing clips and I get emotional each time...hope no one has to experience that again


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