My Favorite Posts SHOW OFF Weekend Blog Party #25
9/27/2013Happy Friday Brainiacs! It's Party Time with The Wondering Brain! Woop! Woop! First off, I want to say "Thank You" to my wonderful hosts for taking over the blog party while I was working in beautiful San Diego! So, a HUGE Mahalo to:
Stacey from This Momma's Ramblings
Natasha from Epic Mommy Adventures
It's also a brand new month with brand new co-hosts! Welcome back 2 of my co-hosts from September:
Cathy from A Peek Into My Paradise
Susan from Mom Loves 2 Read
My newcomers for October are:
Danielle from Danielle Faith
Penny from The Real Housewife of Caroline County
7 blogs will have The SHOW OFF Party all weekend in October which means awesome exposure for each of you joining us. YIPPEE!!
Let's SHOW OFF!! Here are our favorites from last week's party:
Natasha enjoyed the post from Life Unabridged by Chelsea Tyann: "The topic of potty training is dear to my heart...
I was told by so many people that it is more difficult to potty-train boys. So when I found out I was having a little boy, I got a little anxious. I've tried so many ways to potty-train him, but it took some really ingenious ways for him to get close to it. Reading Chelsey's story made me realize that I'm not alone in this journey of potty-training. I feel like I can accomplish it now!" Stacey also loved Chelsea's post on faith: "I love to hear about different faith journeys, because I have struggled with my own for most of my life, and it is wonderful to read about another's journey through faith, especially when it is shared in such a beautifully positive and uplifting way."
Keia's favorite last week comes from Marty's Thoughts On Life and Money: "The story she told was very touching and makes you slow down and think about the impact you can have."
Cathy loved what Season of Sweets had to write: "Oh my! These are my favorite!"
Woo-hoo! It looks like Chelsea from Life Unabridged hits a homerun with The Wondering Brain this week! Michelle loved what Chelsea wrote: "I so remember the days when I couldn't get a shower either. For 8 years I was a SAHM with my 3 boys who are 16 mos apart. While I wouldn't have traded that time in their lives for anything in the world, sometimes just the simple act of getting a shower was monumental."
My props go to Laugh Lines this week! I loved her take on what she had to do when she became a mother. I probably should ask if her son still remembers how to speak Tagalog. Seriously... I'm Filipina and I need to learn!

Congratulations to our featured bloggers! Take our beautiful badge and SHOW OFF your blogging skills and encourage others to stop by!
Congratulations also goes to Penny from The Real Housewife of Caroline County for winning our September Group Giveaway! Watch for our October giveaway in the next couple weeks!
It's Halloween and The Wondering Brain is celebrating! Starting October 1st, almost every post will be on Halloween. Stop by and read some of your favorite bloggers as they guest post for The Wondering Brain! Interested in doing a Halloween article? Email me and I will feature you in October!
I'm also looking for co-hosts in November AND December! These 2 months are special especially for co-hostees because it is my birthday month! YIPPEE!! I'm getting old! Email me for more details! I'd LOVE to have you celebrate my next 21st birthday with me!
Party! Party! Ready to party? We are! But first, some general guidelines before we begin:
- Link up your favorite posts. It doesn't matter which one, just make sure it's family friendly!
- Follow all 3 of your hosts
- Follow all co-hosts
- Leave a comment if you'd like them to follow you too
- Visit at least 5 other bloggers
- Show them your blogger love by leaving a comment if you'd like them to follow
Remember, it's not a party unless you mix and mingle, so mingle around and make some friends!
Take our beautiful badge and proudly display it on your side bar to encourage others to party with us!
Let's Party!
Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.