First Trimester Catch Up!


Am I really 12 weeks pregnant already?  I feel like I've been pregnant FOREVER!  But I guess that's what happens when you find out you're pregnant at like 2 or 3 weeks along...ugh.  Plus we had a change in our due date on ultrasounds (more on that later) but it's already felt like a long pregnant but I'm happy that the 1st Trimester is over with and onto more of the good stuff we go!

If you didn't catch my vlog I put up you can check it below.  Now this vlog is going to get confusing since I was technically 5 weeks pregnant when I filmed it BUT I was told I was 7 weeks along.  When you first go into the doctor they ask for your LMP (Last Menstrual Period) and that's the due date they give you based off your LMP until your 1st ultrasound.  Based on my 1st doctor visit my LMP gave us a due date of November 18, 2014.  However because they couldn't see my placenta all that well on my first visit they asked me to come back.  So we went back two weeks later to find out based on ultrasound measurements (which are much more accurate than LMP dates) that I am due November 28, 2014.  Yup, the day after Thanksgiving!

I haven't done any vlogs since that pregnancy announcement/week 7 update because well, there hasn't been much to update you on.  I just recently started getting a bump towards the top of my stomach but since I've had two previous c-sections it's not filled out on the bottom yet.  So basically, right now I just look fat!  Haha...not that I'm complaining but yeah that's pregnancy for you. 

For those who have been asking, David is over the moon excited about the baby and convinced that it's a girl.  But he thinks that having a boy would be pretty cool too.  We are waiting until my doctor appointment next week (14 week appt) to schedule my gender reveal ultrasound.  We are planning a gender reveal party instead of a baby shower.  I'll have a post up soon once we book the ultrasound for everyone to take a poll and guess what we are having!

The girls are also getting excited.  I didn't expect that honestly but it's super cute! If you were to ask the girls what they want for a sibling they both will say "sister" but Hannah will occasionally tell you that she wants a "brother and a sister".  Unfortunately for her and hubby this will be my last baby.  Making the decision to be sterilized after this pregnancy is not an easy one but pregnancies are not easy on my body and three beautiful, healthy babies are more than enough for this momma who is slowly losing her sanity.  Plus I keep telling David, while all our friends are out partying now by the time I'm 40 we can party all over the world because the kids will be old enough to be young tweens!  Crazy!

Other than that the first trimester hasn't been too bad.  No morning sickness, except the little bug I caught around week eight.  I'm sleeping okay, not better than normal.  The biggest issue is the feeling sluggish and tired but that's starting to pass a little as time goes on. 

If you are pregnant now, how is your first trimester treating you or how did it treat you?  Are you trying to get pregnant? Is this your first or your fifth? Any tricks to share?  I'd love to hear whatever you all have because my pregnant brain is just a sponge right now absorbing everything!

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  1. Congratulations on the pregnancy. I haven't been by in a while so have lots of catching up to do. Here's wishing you all the best and a healthy pregnancy.

    1. Thanks! I'm glad you stopped by and I have to catch up with you all too!


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