Week 11 of 52 Weeks of Blogging with a Purpose: I said I would Never


I was honestly going to do this about discipline and how it works in our home but I felt that was better for a different day.  It took some thinking but these are definitely just a couple of the things I said I would never do as a mom/parent that have happened...

1. I said I wouldn’t use a pacifier. After all, pacifiers are a bad habit and can mess up children’s teeth. It’s a crutch. It’s a cop out. It’s… LIFE SAVER!!! With Hannah I didn't have to use one, she honestly had no interest in it at all but Savannah wanted/needed it since Day 1 and now that she's just turned 10 months it's still really constant.  However, I have noticed recently more and more that she can be without it, she will spit it out and just crawl around, the only time she absolutely must have it is when sleeping.  I do have intentions of taking it away around her 1st birthday or at least starting to wean her from it.

2. No junk food. I failed at this the first time that I realized french fries from McDonald's were the easiest way to keep Hannah quiet on a road trip to see the grandparents.  It's not something that she gets all the time or even close to that but on the rare occasion that we know we are going to be in the car for long periods of time we do make a pit stop for those little salty devils.

3. I wouldn't rush time. Some days I find myself thinking or saying "I can't wait until you are older so I can be done with the baby stuff" but then I'll be in tears the next moment that some new milestone has happened and my "baby" is growing up too fast.  I try not to count the months or days until the next "birthday" or "month day" as I call them but I always find myself thinking "Wow, she's going to be 26 months or 10 1/2 months" so while sometimes I want it to rush by I mostly want to hit pause and keep them just the way they are.

4. I would always have all my attention on my child and never have my nose in a phone. Then I became a stay-at-home mom and I get it. My phone is my outlet into the world.  It's my direct line to my husband who is my never ending support on rough days and it houses my mobile blogging and Twitter/Facebook accounts which are my life lines to my family and friends.  I do catch myself being overindulgent in it from time to time and have to check myself but the second I hear the girls laughing or having a good moment I put it down because being in those moments with them is the best thing ever and I'd rather have that 1 minute of joy when them than 1 minute trying to capture it on Instagram to share with the world.

What are some things you said you would never do as a parent that you've caught yourself in?

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  1. Good Post! I can totally relate about not rushing time, I tell myself the same thing, but yet, I'm always like, I can't wait until they are 5 & 3 and we can go to Disney, LOL.

    Just followed on Bloglovin!

    1. I know right? I'm like let's get into school or get Savannah just 1 year older so that everyone can walk and not be carried everywhere but then I'm like NOOOOOOOO don't grow up :)

  2. Such a great list and I am right there with you for all of them!

    1. thanks for stopping by! I appreciate it!

  3. Yep, yep, yep. You do the bet you can. I need not rush time. I'm really trying to do better with that - just enjoying the process.

    I never used a paci, but the kids helped with that. None of them took it.

    Thanks so much for sharing and for linking up with us at the Mommy Monday Blog Hop!

  4. Ok, I think all of yours describe my life as mommy to a tee. I never wanted the pacifier and now it is a life saver and I pop it in her mouth so I can calm her down. Gave her some McNuggets and it was perfect for car rides! And I definitely have my nose in my phone...sometimes it is just a sanity saver to pop onto to twitter and see what everyone else is up to. Love this post!

    1. I secretly think we would be BFF's if we lived in the same area haha I agree with EVERYTHING you said!

  5. You said it sister. This could have been my own list...add to that "My kids won't watch a lot of TV." I still beat myself up about this one, but I see now that my daughter can easily walk away from it and go play at any time. Kids who aren't allowed to watch it come to my house, see the TV and instantly become vegetables. I realize this is not every kid from both perspectives, but it's not like I'm not doing anything else with her. Plus, I like Sophia the First! (Seen that one??)

    1. Hannah will only really watch Elmo or Baby Genius Nursery Rhymes but I am excited to start watching Disney movies and things with her too!

  6. Oh dear! I'm in the exact same boat as you! I also have to tell myself off for comparing my girls... not in a bad way, I just like to see the difference in their stages at the same age, though of course I should just leave it be as they are different people so obviously going to progress differently! Bad mummy, haha! Great post Penny xx

  7. Oh dear! I'm in the exact same boat as you! I also have to tell myself off for comparing my girls... not in a bad way, I just like to see the difference in their stages at the same age, though of course I should just leave it be as they are different people so obviously going to progress differently! Bad mummy, haha! Great post Penny xx

  8. Oh dear! I'm in the exact same boat as you! I also have to tell myself off for comparing my girls... not in a bad way, I just like to see the difference in their stages at the same age, though of course I should just leave it be as they are different people so obviously going to progress differently! Bad mummy, haha! Great post Penny xx


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