Get 'Er Done: My Daily Routine!


I have been asked to do a post on my daily routine as well as how I manage to get anything done during the day...well here is how I do it! Blogging, being a SAHM with two kids under the age of 3 and being pregnant can be hard & stressful at times but I find with a good routine anything is possible! Granted not every day is the same. Some days are filled with more activities than others and of course weekends can get crazy. But for the most part this is the basic layout of our daily life. This is how I maximize whatever time I have and make the most out of my day. I know this will change as the kids grow & get older but here is our little family's routine as it stands right now.

8-9 AM: I get up & start my day. Recently, I’ve been waking up before the girls so if I can I try to get in my shower and bath. However, on a rare day that I sleep in and the girls wake me up I just have to get going and wait until the afternoon for shower time. If I do wake up before the kids this gives me a chance to shower, put on makeup, get dressed, fix my hair, etc. I make a conscious effort to try to do this every single day as I think it makes me feel more awake & refreshed! I also think taking a little "me-time" out of my day to look after myself is important!

9 AM: This is the girl’s typical wake up time. Some days it’s earlier some a little later but by 9 AM life is usually happening in the house. This is when things like diapers and new “big girl” pants happen. Hannah is potty training so she may or may not use the bathroom.

9-9:30 AM: Breakfast! Breakfast is usually whatever I feel like. Some mornings it’s just granola bars with juice. Sometimes it’s pancakes. I will usually eat after the girls do just so I can make sure if they need anything. It’s harder for me to eat when they are constantly asking for “more juice” or “another granola bar, please”.

9:30-10 AM: After I clean the kitchen and put away the breakfast things, I get the kids dressed for the day if we are doing something like mom group or have errands. If not I’m more than happy to leave them in their PJ’s. Hannah and Savannah usually take off their clothes by this point anyways. Hey, a naked baby is a happy baby!

10 AM - 1 PM: I try to schedule any doctor's appointments, playdates, errands or anything else like that for this time. For the most part the earlier part of the day is the best for the girls. They seem better maybe because they are pretty rested from sleeping all night. If we aren’t going out this is a time to just hang out, play and watch the SPROUT Channel or a Disney movie. This is also a time that I will toss in any laundry I need to do or empty the dishwasher. Just time for little things around the house I know the kids won’t really bother me while I tackle. The girls do also snack in this time period…apples, popcorn, peanut butter crackers.

1 PM: Nap time! This is my most productive and/or lazy time of the day. If I didn’t get a bath/shower that morning I will take the time to do all that. If I did that already this is when I will do any laundry folding, make the bed, get myself lunch, etc. And if I’m not in the mood for any of that I will sit my butt on the couch and catch up on my TV shows. This is also my "free time" to clean, film, edit videos, write blog posts, catch up on emails and basically try to get everything done while the babies are sleeping!

3:30-4 PM: This is when the girls get up from naps for the most part. Some days it might be earlier, some later (you get the idea) but it’s all about the same.

4-6 PM: This is honestly the roughest part of the day for me/us. It all depends on the girls and what’s going on with my husband. If I know he’s going to be working late or not getting home until a little later I give the girls a snack or an early dinner. Obviously, there are diaper changes again. The TV is usually on and the girls will usually play between the living room and Hannah’s bedroom. If I know that we are going out for dinner I take the time to get them dressed (if they aren’t already) and pack my bag for leaving the house.

6-7:30 PM: Dinner time! Or at least I start it. Again, this is all depending on hubby and when he will be home. Sometimes we eat out or he picks something up on his way home. I can admit that during this pregnancy I’ve been less and less likely to cook. It’s just getting hard. The baby doesn’t like a lot of meats and the girls are pretty picky eaters so I get a little tired making 3 or 4 different dinners a night.

7:30-8 PM: This is our catch up time. Hubby and I “try” to talk about the day but mostly it ends up being watching a kids show with the girls and playing with them. We also start prepping for bed time. For some reason recently the girls have been fighting bath time. They freak out all the sudden now. I’d like to try showers but they are still scared of the shower head. I can honestly say this is the best part of the day. I love seeing the girls play with hubby and love on him.

8-8:30 PM: Bedtime. Bedtime all varies on how they have been post-nap. Usually it’s closer to 8:30 PM. I still put Savannah down at night time. For some reason she just doesn’t like anyone else doing it. I’ll take advantage of it for now before the new baby comes! Hubby puts Hannah down but I usually go into her room and give her a hug and kiss goodnight.

8:30-11 PM: Party time for mom & dad! Not really! Hubby is usually exhausted by 9 PM and heading off to bath and bed. We spend some time chatting, sharing moments from the day and doing “adult” stuff. After I know that hubby is in bed it’s just me and my pups! Again, this is another time of the day that I take to catch up on YouTube videos, blog stuff, watching TV shows. Usually around 11 PM I’m heading off to bed but some days it’s a little later.

Nothing too fancy over here folks! Then the whole thing repeats itself again the next morning!  P.S. I also know life will go full blown psychotic when the new baby arrives but this is just for now...I'll probably revamp this routine once we get one in motion with three kiddos!

What’s your daily routine? Is there anything you can’t live without happening day to day?

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