Two Month Postpartum & Caleb Update


Wow, it's really been two months?  Crazy, but I guess the saying is "time flies when you're having fun".  Or it could be when you're tired.  Actually, life is pretty good.  I'm feeling great and working out.  I'm finally down to a health(ier) weight for my height and working on getting "me" back.  Caleb is doing wonderful and I've linked both my two month postpartum and his two month update videos below.

Thank you all for being patient as I figure out this whole blogging and mother of three thing out.  I'm doing the best I can to keep everyone up to date and I have some very cool things coming up, including a giveaway, so stay tuned!

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  1. Can't wait to see what's in the works for you and Caleb is getting so big. He's absolutely gorgeous! Here's to a great 2015!


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