
Happy Grandparent's Day!


It's hard to keep track of birthdays, anniversaries so many other days but for some reason Grandparent's Day stood out to me this year.  We are blessed that Hannah and Savannah have Grandparent's who adore and love them so completely, between David's parents, my mom who is down a lot to see us as well as my dad and step-mom who we actually just saw today!

My dad with Savannah
I'm also reminded today about the Grandparent's that David and I have lost. Last year we both lost our last living Grandparent, David's Granny passed away on November 1st and my Grammie (my mom's mom) passed away on Christmas morning.  Since both leaving us so suddenly it's been very important to us to have the girls with their Grandparent's as much as possible.

My mom with both girls this summer
I know it's not "cool" to hang out with your Grandparent's but I want the girls to know that they are so loved that it shouldn't matter if it's cool or not and to really take the time to appreciate these amazing people who give so much of themselves for them.

A family shot before she passed with David's Granny and David's parents
So if you are lucky enough to still have a Grandparent with you today, take some time, give them a call or stop in to see them...they should know not just today but everyday how much you love and appreciate all that they have done for you.

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  1. Hey there! I'm your newest follow via blog hop! I totally forgot today Grandparents day! LOL love this post! Hope to keep in touch!

    1. thanks so much for following and I'll be returning the favor! I would have forgotten about it had I not put it in my phone, beginning of every year I go through the holidays and add the important ones :)

  2. What a nice loving tribute! My children have all of their grandparents- But between my hubby and I we only have one left (of ours- kids great grandparents) I miss the stories, I grew up hearing but treasure the time we did have!
    Jodi @http://thenoiseofboys.com

    1. I agree...I hope my kids don't take their grandparents for granted like sometimes I did...I really miss them now that they aren't here with me

  3. Anonymous9/09/2013

    Grandparents are special! I was closer to my grandmas growing up than I was to my own mom. I'm still pretty close to one of them actually. We do live pretty far from everyone now but I'm sure that won't stop my mom from being known to my little guy. Thanks for linking up to Mommy Monday again this week! XoXo

    1. anytime :) I'm glad I could share this and hopefully some people reached out to their family after seeing it!

  4. Great post on Grandparents! I am visiting from the Mommy Monday Blog Hop. Congrats on the feature. I followed you in all the places that I wasn't following before. I think I have you everywhere now!

    1. wow! thank you! I really appreciate it!


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