Why Las Vegas?
To be honest this story isn't too different from how David found me on the night he proposed. I was sitting on the floor of our one bedroom apartment in front of Hannah's crib, crying and eating Wendy's chicken nuggets. I must have looked so pathetic but it's how I felt. I was roughly 7 or 7 1/2 months pregnant with Hannah and all of our family was having financial troubles...including us. I was stressed over asking them to help us pay for a lavish wedding when I knew it just wasn't what anyone could afford.
<div align="center"><a href="http://fromabcstoacts.com/" rel="nofollow" title="From ABC's to ACT's"><img src="http://i1025.photobucket.com/albums/y311/abcstoacts/SMS225_zpsb70454fc.jpg" alt="Social Media Sunday-From ABC's to ACT's" style="border:none;" /></a></div>
It's that time again friends! Time for another Social Media Sunday!
Recently I've seen a lot of the "e-cards" that are bashing being a SAHM. Actually, it's not so much bashing as telling lies and spreading myths. I believe there are several myths about being a mother and especially being a SAHM that are way to glamorized and annoying. Obviously I can't touch on every myth but I'm going to go for the ones that bother me the most!
Myth 1: All SAHM's are Alcoholics
Why in the world does everyone think that all SAHM's are alcoholics? Literally my desire to drink is about zero! Much like drinking on the job in the "real world" it impairs my judgement and I wouldn't be capable of performing at my best. Yes, I have the occasional glass of wine at night (well not now that I'm pregnant) but that's all! I'm sure there are moms out there in the world that do drink and heavily at that but I'm not one of them and I don't know many (if any) that do.
**ANNOUCENEMNT: After a lot of thought and concern I have decided to discontinue #AskAwayFriday. Unfortunately, I haven't had the time to give the nurture and care it needs and with Baby #3 coming I don't want to neglect it further. I'm hoping to return AAF after the baby arrives but for now it will be discontinued after this weeks posts.**
As you know, #AskAwayFriday is a place for you to connect with other bloggers by asking them questions to really get to know them! Meeting other bloggers and making new friends is one of the best parts of this online world!
As you know, #AskAwayFriday is a place for you to connect with other bloggers by asking them questions to really get to know them! Meeting other bloggers and making new friends is one of the best parts of this online world!
As you know, #AskAwayFriday is a
place for you to connect with other bloggers by asking them questions to really
get to know them! Meeting other bloggers
and making new friends is one of the best parts of this online world!
I actually found out we were probably expecting on our halfiversary on March 17th. As you can see in the video below I was a little overwhelmed when I found out I was pregnant. We honestly hadn't been trying long at all...like 3 weeks trying so I was kind of stunned in the first part of the video. I decided to hold off based on my husband's recommendation another week and when we took the second test it was much more clear. As you can hear my hubby saying in the background "Test number 2, means Baby number 3!" haha he's such a jokster.